“Welcome back to my own blog” skewers

Sweet and Spicy Skewers

Sweet and Spicy Skewers

When life gets crazy, I believe in the barbecue. I’ve been away from my blog for a while, crazy busy with work and other things that take up my time. We all go through these kinds of periods where time becomes your most precious commodity, and you start looking for delicious recipes that don’t take terribly long to prepare. And that’s when barbecues come in so handy, mainly because it’s easy to hand off the cooking side of things to your significant other. And now that it’s summer, the time is right!

But that doesn’t mean the meat should be bland. I love barbecued meat or chicken that’s spent lots of time soaking in a marinade before meeting up with the grill. Here’s a really excellent recipe for chicken breast skewers in a beautiful marinade. Get your meat guy to cut the breasts into cubes to save you even more time.



About 1 kg chicken breast cubed (about 1 inch on each side)

4 tablespoons oil

1/3 cup honey, silan or Golden syrup (available in specialty stores that stock English or South African products)

1/3 cup soy sauce

2-3 cloves of garlic crushed

1 teaspoon black pepper

½ teaspoon cumin powder

¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper

2 bay leaves

Juice of half a lemon

How to do it

1. Mix all the ingredients (except for the chicken) together in a medium sized bowl.

2. Add the chicken pieces, mix through thoroughly, cover and leave overnight in the fridge or for at least 6 hours.

3. Thread onto wooden skewers that you’ve soaked for about 5 minutes in water (this prevents them from burning on the grill)

4. Place on the grill for a few minutes each side, until they are cooked (don’t overcook, but make sure they are all cooked through)

Serve with lots of fresh salads.